Postdoc on Medical Single Cell Bioinformatics

We are looking for an experienced bioinformatician for helping the creation a spatial map of fibrosis. The candidate will develop bioinformatic methods for tracking temporal changes of single cells and integrative analysis of scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq and spatial information. This position will be implemented within the research consortia “Fibromap: Spatial Map of Fibrosis”funded by the BMBF. Novel bioinformatic methods will be applied to single cell data of fibrosis patients and mouse models in both bone marrow (Schneider lab) and kidney (Kramann lab) and spatial information obtained via multiplexed microscopy (Puelles lab).
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics and previous experience in single cell sequencing, clustering and statistical machine learning. The salary is according to German public service salary scale level TV-L 14 100% and initially limited to 3 years with possibility of extension. Willingness for teamwork and the ability to work independently in a competitive international environment are required. Good skills of English are expected.
Please send your documents including a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, all academic certificates and 2-3 references by email to